Chapter 16: The Salon

December 18, 2022

The salon is the creation of Travis’ and it reflects the creativity of his hands. A large porch with an awning and hand built (By Travis) world-class furniture. Flower beds everywhere are in a constant state of changing colors with the time of year. Stunning and landscaped to perfection, this re-possessed trailer was turned into a jewel. Travis likes to see his bride surrounded by flowers. She likes to think of herself as a big-picture kind of girl, but Travis will provide her with the needed syntax. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon must have been inspired by a woman. Just like Babylon, as the Mayor can attest, don’t piss anyone off while visiting.

Loretta and Carr have been friends since grade school. His earliest memories of her were from a grade school Christmas party. All of the kids brought treats from home to share with the class for the affair. At the party, Carr and his best friend Johnny were enjoying a great get-together with cookies, cake, candy, and ice cream. Things couldn’t have been better. Then they discovered that Loretta’s mom sent her to school with a big box of grape-flavored bubble gum. Not that pink bubble gum, but the brand-new flavor, grape. It was the rage of the six-year-old crowd. The boys thought that it would be the perfect digestif to end a great party.

At that time in their lives, both Johnny and Carr thought girls had cooties. No self-respecting boy wanted to have anything to do with girls. They were fun to scare with frogs though. As it turned out there was a price to be paid for that grape bubble gum. Loretta was demanding a kiss from the boys before she would give them a piece of gum. To Johnny and Carr that was a horrible turn of events.  No amount of reasoning, or threats to tell her mother, or the teacher could sway her in the least. Carr started to work the room trying to stir up an insurrection amongst the boys, to no avail. When he returned to his desk area, to his horror, he found Johnny chewing like a cow under a shade tree with her cud. He was merrily chomping on a wad of gum that must have been the size of a golf ball. On principle, Carr never got a piece of gum. He did learn though, that Loretta was comfortable wielding power.

Loretta is Carr’s lifelong friend. And yes, a man can have a female friend. Knowing them since first grade helps. Carr likes to spend time with her when he needs a haircut. The Springtime of the year is special here and to wait your turn for a haircut on the porch amongst the flowers is great. He usually brings a book and has been known to let others go ahead of him. This day Loretta needed a break and came outside to talk with him.

“Good morning Carr, you seem to be getting your hair cut more frequently these days,” she said.

With a broad grin, he said, “Well it could be that handsome woman you have giving haircuts “

“Good grief Carr, you’re an old man and she is in her thirties. I don’t think you’d be able to keep up. You’d probably need a big supply of Viagra.”

“Loretta, she’s a damn fine-looking woman. The kind that could walk through a mortuary and leave wood in her wake. No Viagra needed,” he laughed.

“You have been through a lot of women Carr. You should have kept one anyway. Divorced three times. What was the problem? I hate to see you all alone.”

“I think it was because I spent all my time reading. They weren’t big fans of being ignored, would be my guess,” he said. “Maybe, my being a self-centered asshole was a contributing factor,” he added with a smile.

“I hate seeing you without a woman in your life. A man needs that stability.

“Well, I have been known to hire one of the ladies of the night from time to time,” he said.

“Good God, Carr you are talking about whores. How is that gonna help you in the long run?” she exclaimed.

“Loretta, these are poor girls. Unfortunate circumstances have forced them into this. They are just trying to help save the family farm.” He said with a broad grin.

“Carr, you are so full of shit,” she said with a laugh.

“And all this time I thought I doing something for the greater good of humanity.” They both laughed.

“I just wished you could have found someone for you. Someone to grow old with. You know Travis and I will be celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary in the foreseeable future. There is some comfort in that. I wish you could have had the same,” she said in earnest.

“I’ll have my fiftieth wedding anniversary too.”

That remark stunned her. “What?” she exclaimed.

“Sure, the jury is still out on how many women I will have to invite to the party.”

“Let me see if Lisa is ready for you yet, Asshole.”



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